Form Elements

General Element Settings

Some settings apply to all elements:

Hide Title

Hides the title of the form element. A title should be entered even if the title is hidden since it will still appear in the lead view.


Expects the user to fill out this element. A notification will be shown if the user tries to proceed without filling out the element.


Element: Text

This element displays any content.

Element: Heading

This element displays a heading over the current form step. Its position in the editor does not matter, it will always be shown at the top.


Element: Selection

The selection element can be used to ask for a choice of multiple options.

Automatically advance to the next step on selection: When this is enabled, the form will automatically advance to the next step when an option is selected.

Allow selection of multiple options: When this is enabled, multiple options can be selected instead of just one.


Lets you select in how many columns the options are displayed.

Default uses as many columns as possible. The other options restrict the amount of options per row.


New options can be added with the Add New Option button.

An option can be represented by plain text (next to a checkbox or radio button) or by an image.

To use an image, select the Use Image option. You can then select an image from your WordPress library.

Alternatively, select Use Icon to select an icon from the FontAwesome library.

You can optionally also hide the option's title if the image or icon is enough. For this, activate the "Hide Title" option.

Element: Checkbox

This element displays a single checkbox which can be used to ask for consent (e.g. over terms of services).

Element: Privacy Policy Checkbox

This element displays a single checkbox which can be used to ask for consent (e.g. over terms of services).

The text can be freely edited. *link* will be replaced by the link text set below. The destination page can also be set, e.g. to the privacy policy page or the terms of service.

Element: Text Input

An element for simple text input.

Element: Text Area

An element for multi-line text input.

Element: File Upload

This element allows visitors to upload files. The element can be configured to accept multiple files and certain file types.

Element: Honeypot

This element can be used to counter spam bots. This element is invisible and could technically only be filled out by bots. Give it a generic title like "Name" or "Email". The form will not advance to the next step if this element has been filled out. Users will not be able to see or interact with this element.

Element: Range

This element lets users enter a number using the range slider. Minimum, maximum, step size and the initial value can be set. There is also an option for a symbol to be displayed next to the selected number.


Element: Email

Similar to Text Input. The input will be checked if it resembles an email address.

Other Address Elements

These elements are regular text inputs. However, they are saved with an identifier so forms submissions can be filtered for name, street, zip code, city, phone, etc.


Element: Calendly

This element embeds Calendly. You can select elements for prefilling the name and email fields in Calendly. These elements need to be at least one step before the Calendly element.

If you ask for name and email steps earlier in the form they can be prefilled in Calendly and don't have to fill out twice.

Required: If activated continue is predicted when no booking was done.

After booking continue automatically: If a booking was done go automatically to the next form step.

Calendly link:
The Calendly link (e.g. or

Prefill Name: If activated you can select one element that can be used to prefill the name in the calendly form. The prefill element need to be at least one step before the calendly element. It need to be one of the following elements: textinput, textarea, mail, firstname or lastname.

Prefill Mail:
If activated you can select one element that can be used to prefill the mail in the calendly form. The prefill element need to be at least one step before the calendly element. It need to be one of the following elements: textinput, textarea, mail, firstname or lastname.

Example Form

This form can be used to import in the calendly element.


Element: Meetergo

This element embeds Meetergo. You can select elements for prefilling the firstname, lastname, fullname, email and phone fields in Meetergo. These elements need to be at least one step before the Meetergo element.

If you ask for firstname, lastname or fullname, email and phone steps earlier in the form they can be prefilled in Meetergo and don't have to fill out twice.

Required: If activated continue is predicted when no booking was done.

After booking continue automatically: If a booking was done go automatically to the next form step.

Meetergo link:
The Meetergo link (e.g.

Prefill First Name: If activated you can select one element that can be used to prefill the firstname in the meetergo form. The prefill element need to be at least one step before the meetergo element. It need to be one of the following elements: textinput, textarea, mail, phone, firstname or lastname.

Prefill Last Name: If activated you can select one element that can be used to prefill the lastname in the meetergo form. The prefill element need to be at least one step before the meetergo element. It need to be one of the following elements: textinput, textarea, mail, phone, firstname or lastname.

Prefill Full Name: If activated you can select one element that can be used to prefill the fullname in the meetergo form. The prefill element need to be at least one step before the meetergo element. It need to be one of the following elements: textinput, textarea, mail, phone, firstname or lastname.

Prefill Mail:
If activated you can select one element that can be used to prefill the mail in the meetergo form. The prefill element need to be at least one step before the meetergo element. It need to be one of the following elements: textinput, textarea, mail, phone, firstname or lastname.

Prefill Phone:
If activated you can select one element that can be used to prefill the phone in the meetergo form. The prefill element need to be at least one step before the meetergo element. It need to be one of the following elements: textinput, textarea, mail, phone, firstname or lastname.