Globale Einstellungen überschreiben
Gibt die Einstellungen für das Formular frei. Ansonsten gelten die globalen Einstellungen.
Form Title
Hide Form Title
Hides the form title which is usually displayed at the top of the form.
Navigation Buttons
Hide Previous / Next Buttons
Hides the navigation buttons on all form steps. Only use this if you have Selection elements set up with "Automatically advance to the next step on selection".
Disable back button
Disables the Back navigation button so that changes cannot be made to previous steps.
Progress Bar
Hide Progress Bar
Hides the progress bar which is usually displayed at the top of the form.
Email address for notifications
A notification email is sent to this address whenever a form has been filled out.
Name of sender
"From" name to use when a form is configured to send a notification email to the visitor
Confirmation Email Message
Message for the email that gets sent out whenever a visitor completes a form. (Text or HTML)
Confirmation Email Footer
Content of the email's footer. This can be used for contact information or links.
Data Removal Page
Page to be used for user data removal requests. This is the page that will open when users click on the data removal request link in the confirmation mail. Any empty page will do: Evolution Forms will fill it automatically.
Redirect after Submission
Whether the visitor should be redirected to a different URL when they clicked on "Submit".
Reditrection Target
URL to redirect to in case the option above is selected.